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OTT - Honk Jr.

Updated: May 28, 2020

Honk Jr. was the second OTT production that Watts was contacted to be a part of.

The Sketches

All the 2d rendering for this project were done by Watts in collaboration with the Director of OTT.

The Process

The Props were painted between June 4th and 19th, 2018 by 5 artists. Seeing as the majority of the production took place in a grassy meadow of sorts, the things we painted the most were grass and cattails. All the props we did are as follows.

  1. Picket Fence

  2. Barn wall - (with window and a giant knife and fork)

  3. Recipe book

  4. Lily pad

  5. Kit Kat Shack sign

  6. Nest

  7. Cattails

  8. Grassy platform

  9. Stage floor

Artist - Akilah Watts, Anna Gibson, Alanis Forde, Kia Redman, Gabrielle Moore.

(photographed by Andrew Browne and OTT)

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