Berger Pints contacted Alanis Forde in 2018 with a mural project to highlight and beautify their main distribution location in Spring Garden. The idea was to advertise their product, the Berger Everglow outdoor paints.
The Idea
Alanis was given free-reign in how each mural would be designed and laid out compositionally. Berger communicated that they’d like each to represent Barbadian Culture and everyday local life. There was a total of fourteen walls and each mural took up two each which made it seven murals in all.
The Process
Whilst working on these murals Forde worked part-time at the Barbados Community College so the first wall was started in October 2018 and the last mural was completed in March of 2019. A total of three to four days a week was dedicated to completing the work.
Building Relationships
Throughout the months Forde worked on the murals she became a part of the team at Berger. She enjoyed communicating with the workers there that mixed the paints, learning about the genetics of color and paint. One of the best parts of this mural project was hearing the expressions and feedback from the customers passing through.
1. Coral Reef
2.Pride and Industry
3. Market Place
4. Garden
5. Community Spirit
6. Pleasure and Leisure
7. Sports and Culture